64 Space Puns You’ll Be Over the Moon For
Space – the final pun-tier.

The more we learn about space, the more questions we have. Like, does Uranus really smell like farts, and would Mars bars taste different on Mars? One thing we don’t question is that this constellation of space jokes is one hilarious giant step for pun-kind. So suit up and strap in. T-minus 10 for laughs.
Too much, too moon? Stay grounded on Earth with the zaniest food and animal puns you’ll find this side of the Big Dipper. From the depths of the ocean to the depths of the produce aisle, we’ve got jokes you can comet to.
Outer Space Puns
Space puns that are out of this world.
- I’m all out-er space puns.
- Space lions are always Aurora-n.
- That’s astro-not funny.
- Don’t get me star-ted.
- No comet.
- Are you astro-nuts?!
- I’ll get you lunar or later.
- Space jokes are so capri-corny.
- In the o-zone.
- I love a good romantic comet-y.
- The outer planets have a Pluto-nic relationship.
- Meteorite on time.
- Kick astronaut.
- I hate Moon-days.
- Rocket-bye baby, on the treetop.

Space Joke One-Liners
Blast off with space pun one-liners.
- Space junk in the trunk.
- I gravitate toward space puns.
- I looked up Orion’s Belt on Yelp. It has only 3 stars.
- Orion’s Belt is a total waist of space.
- Not everyone can pull off wearing a spacesuit, but I’m going to rocket.
- God liked Saturn so much he put a ring on it.
- Watching spaceships launch is a blast.
- Don’t like these space jokes? Our Apollo-gies.
- Einstein finally released his theory about space, and it was about time, too!
- The astronaut’s mom always said, “Better safe than starry.”
- Should the lunar academy be categorized as a moon-iversity?
- I attended a lecture on outer space last night. It was all over my head.
- I’m reading a book about antigravity. I can’t put it down.
- I’m returning this vehicle to the dealership. I asked the dealer, “Cargo space?” He said yes, but the car didn’t even make it off the launchpad.

Funny Space Dad Jokes
Only a lunar-tic wouldn’t laugh at these celestially silly space dad jokes.
- Where do astronauts like to snowboard? In powder space.
- What do you say at the end of a space prayer? A-moon.
- What do aliens use to make s’mores? Graham craters and Mars-mellows.
- Why didn’t the astronauts find the void very funny? It was no laughing matter.
- What are space soda cans made of? Alu-moon-um.

Outer Space Jokes
You don’t need to be an alien to fully grok these funny jokes.
- How long is space poetry? A uni-verse.
- If a meteorite hits a planet, what do you call the ones that miss? Meteor-wrongs.
- What do you do when a planet dies? Write an orbit-uary.
- What kind of plates do aliens eat off of? Flying saucers and satellite dishes.
- Why does everyone want to date our galaxy’s sun? Because it’s really hot.
- What TV channel do aliens watch when they want to laugh? Comet-y Central.
- What day to planets like to party? Saturn-day.
- Why are space rocks so big? They’re on a-steroids.
- Where do aliens park their spaceships? Next to the parking meteor.
- What is E.T. short for? Cause he’s got small legs.
- Why is life on Earth so expensive? It includes a trip around the sun every year.
- What do you get when you cross an alien with the Stay Puft Man? A martian-mellow.
- Why didn’t anyone like the restaurant on the moon? It had no atmosphere.
- Why does the moon need money? It’s on its last quarter.

Astronaut Jokes
Sometimes a good space joke gives you a Buzz.
- How do astronauts take their medicine? In capsule form.
- What time should we show up to the astronaut’s party? The invitation said to comet 8.
- Why did the astronaut complain about the size of his steak? He wanted a meteor one.
- What’s the first thing that astronaut drink when then return to Earth? Gravi-tea.
- What kind of supplements do you take in space? Vita-moons.
- When do rocket scientists eat? On their launch break.
- How do astronauts organize a space party? They planet.
- Why did the astronaut leave his wife? He needed space.
- What do astronauts listen to on their journey through space? Nep-tunes.
- What do you get for being the runner-up in the space olympics? A constellation prize.
- How does the astronaut cut his hair in space? Eclipse it.
- Why did the cow want to become an astronaut? To see the Milky Way.
- What board game do astronauts play in space? Moon-opoly.
- What cereal do lunar astronauts eat? Cinna-moon Toast Crunch.
- Why couldn’t the astronaut book a stay on the moon for the night? It was full.