63 Whale Puns and Jokes That Are Whale Worth the Wait
Have a whale of a time with these killer puns and jokes.
Does life have you feeling a little over-whale-med? If so, we’ve got you covered with more than 60 whale puns and jokes that are sure to activate your blowhole. We’ve filtered through the most hysterical wisecracks around to curate a killer collection of quips that are whale worth your time. And we’ve topped it all off with some salty new jokes for 2024 that you can be-lean on. So crack your bar-knuckles and scroll down to enjoy these well sea-soned takes.
Want more? Check out other puns from the deep, including our fresh crab puns.
Eye-Watering Whale Puns
These puns pack a whale of a punch. Share with your friends, caption your next Instagram post, or enjoy them whale you work.
- Whale, hello there.
- Alive and whale.
- The wishing whale.
- Business as usuwhale.
- I whaley appreciate it!
- You’re whalecome.
- He means whale.
- Whale, la de da.
- I’ll have the usuwhale.
- The usuwhale suspects.
- All is whale.
- All’s whale that ends whale.
- That’s all whale and good.
- Ba-lean on me.
- So long, fare-whale.
- Life can be so over-whale-ming.
- Whale you marry me?
- Whale you be my valentine?
- I whale always love you.
- Everything whale be all right.
- You whaley shouldn’t have!
- That was whale worth the wait.
- Where there’s whale, there’s a way.
- Life’s a breach.
- You’re krillin’ me!
- Whale, whale, whale. What have we got here?
- I’m going in for the krill.
- Health and whale-ness.
New Whale Dad Jokes For 2024
Looking for a new joke about these amazing sea creatures? Then we’ve got a whale of them for you.
- What do you call a gossipy whale? Blubbermouth.
- Who designs whale houses? Orcatects.
- What do you call an orca that likes books? Whale read.
- What country are Jewish whales from? Is-whale.
- What country artist do sea creatures listen to? Whale-on Jennings.
- What’s a whale’s favorite flower? Orcad.
- Why did the whale accidentally bump into the boat? He didn’t do it on porpoise.
- What do you call a humpback that speaks two languages? Biling-whale.
What about one that goes both ways? Bisexu-whale.
How about a smart one? Intellectu-whale.
One that’s on time? Punctu-whale. - What did the whale find on the spiritual retreat? His porpoise.
- Where do orcas bank? Whales Fargo.
- What kind of a meal do whales bring food to share? A podluck.
Classic Whale Jokes
Here are some good ole jokes that are sure to have you whaling.
- What do whales eat with malt vinegar? Fish and ships.
- Why don’t whales eat fast food? Because they can’t catch it.
- How do whales plan parties? They orcanize them.
- What do whales listen to on their commute? A podcast.
- How do you get banned from Sea World? Free Willy.
- What did the humpback say to the blue whale? Cheer up.
- What do you call a group of musical whales? Orcastra.
- What did the dolphin say to the sick orca? Get whale soon.
- What do whales like to chew? Blubber gum.
- What do whales like to draw with? A-krill-ic paint.
- Where do killer whales go to get braces? The orca-dontist.
- What’s a whale’s favorite movie? The Humpback of Notre Dame.
- What game show do orca’s watch? Whale of Fortune.
- Why do whales like saltwater? Pepper makes them sneeze.
- What is a whale’s favorite sandwich? Krilled cheese.
- What do you get when you cross a cow with a whale? Shamoo.
- What do whales like to do on date night? Netflix and krill.
- How do you get two whales in a car? Start in England and drive west.
- Why should you never enter into a contract with a whale? They always breach it.
- Where do orcas board the train? At the whale-way station.
- Why are they called sperm whales? Because they were discovered by seamen.
- Which James Bond movie do whales love? License to Krill.
- What do you call a rich orca? Whale-thy.
- Where are Latino orcas from? Venez-whale-a.