60 Deer Puns That’ll Make You Feel Like a Million Bucks
We’re deer-termined to get you giggling with these puns, jokes, and one-liners.

Hello, deer reader. I see you’re on the for some bucking good humor. You’ve probably already been to a doe-zen other sites that were completely un-deer-whelming. Well, there’s good news: we’ve got a herd of puns and jokes that you can actually caribou. Even though the deer will probably stick their tongue out at these cracks, we’re sure you’ll find them fawny.
Like these antics? You’ll be a fawn of our other animal puns too. Have a whale of a time with mammal humor – from the land and the sea.
Cute Deer Puns
Get caught in the headlights of hilarious deer puns.
- I’m fawn’d of you.
- It looks like rain, deer.
- I really caribou you.
- You’re so fawny.
- Yes, deer.
- It’s something I really caribou.
- I’m not old. I’m el-deer-ly.
- Rollin’ in the doe.
- Hold on for deer life.
- Girls just wanna have fawn.
- What a won-deer-ful world.

Funny Deer Puns
Don’t pass the buck on these deer puns.
- I prefer non-deery creamer.
- How deer you!
- I feel like a million bucks!
- Deer to be different.
- Don’t be such a weir-doe.
- Deer-licious.
- Not a fawn of that.
- Oh, deer God.
- Deer-ly beloved.
Deer One-Liners
Chuckle-worthy yet un-deer-appreciated.
- If I had a buck for every deer joke I’ve made, I’d be rollin’ in the doe.
- I just lost my favorite Bambi stuffed animal. It was very deer to me.
- Deer tails are tuft as hell.
- I traded deer for three pigs and a horse. It was a good deal – cost me only a buck.
- Good deer are hart to find.
- Just got my new deer-cloning machine. I now have a million bucks.

New Deer Dad Jokes
The funniest deer dad jokes you’ve ever herd.
- What do deer call melted cheese? Fawn-du.
- Why did the reindeer have the most sacks in football? He was always Blitzen.
- How does the doe start every entry in her journal? “Deer diary.”
- What Happy Days character do deer love? Fawnzie.
- How does Bambi get his paycheck every week? Deer-ect deposit.
- What do you call a deer cardiologist? A hart surgeon.
- Why was the deer such a contrarian? He wanted to buck the trends.
- What do deer call their spouses? Their better hoof.
- What astrological sign are male deer? Stag-itarius.
- Why did Bambi go to the charity event? To volun-deer.

Funny Deer Dad Jokes
Buck up for some more deer dad jokes.
- What kind of bread do deer like? Sour doe.
- Why did the deer get braces? He had buck teeth.
- What’s the name of Santa’s most vulgar reindeer? Rude-olph.
- Where does Bambi go for ice cream? The Deery Queen.
- What animal makes the best weather forecasters? Rain-deer.
- Where does Rudolph write his schedule? On his calen-deer.
- What game do fawns play at parties? Truth or deer.
- What Disney movie do deer love? Fawn-tasia.
- What do you call a deer with no eyes? No i-deer.
- What boardgame do deer play? Buck-gammon.
- How do deer get online? With the antler-net.
- What do reindeer use to clean their homes? Comet.
- What ice-cream flavor do deer like? Cookie-doe.
- How much does deer meat cost? A buck.

Even More Funny Deer Jokes
Jokes so won-deer-ful we just can’t stop.
- What’s the difference between a sack of beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are a $1.50, and deer nuts are under a buck.
- Why wouldn’t the actor work with deer on set? He had stag fright.
- Who did Bambi invite to his birthday party? His deer-est friends.
- Who puts money under Bambi’s pillow? The hoof fairy.
- What did Homer say after running over the deer? Doe!
- What do you give a deer with a stomach ache? Elk-a Seltzer.
- What does it cost to fly Santa’s sleigh? Nine bucks.
- Who’s Santa’s tenth reindeer? Olive, the other reindeer.
- What do you call a deer with no parents? An or-fawn.
- What’s the first school that fawns go to? Kin-deer-garten.