63 Pig Puns That’ll Make Your Pen Pals Snort

Pig puns and jokes that are anything but boar-ing.

Pig puns and jokes funny enough to cause a little may-ham.

I’ll pig-let you in on a little secret: Despite rolling around in the mud and eating just about anything, pigs are pretty dang smart. In fact, they’ve been shown to be smarter than dogs (sorry, Fido) and even young children. I guess you could say pigs are the Albert Ein-swines of the animal kingdom. Not only that, they’re actually pretty funny too. Well, making puns and jokes about them is a hoot at least. And the following piggy zingers and wisecracks are no exception.

But why stop at pigs? We’ve got more animal puns and than any pen can hold, from purrfect cat puns to ex-shell-ent crab jokes.

Funny Pig Puns

Go hog wild with these silly pig puns.

  • I’m watching pig-elodeon.
  • Snout and about.
  • Pig and choose.
  • I had an oinkling.
  • No piggie.
  • Pigs do the truffle shuffle.
  • It’s may-ham!
  • Let’s go for a pig-nic.
  • Snout-rageous!
  • Pig-ture perfect.
  • Sow what?
  • Hogs and kisses.

Cute Pig Puns and One-Liners

Ham it up with more hilarious pig humor.

  • When pigs work together, it’s known as collab-boar-ation.
  • When a pig takes out a loan, he becomes a boar-ower.
  • Don’t take pigs for grunt-ed.
  • I’m kind of a pig deal.
  • Swine and cheese date.
  • Netflix and swill.
  • Pig on someone your own size.
  • Hard-working pigs really bring home the bacon.
  • Ham Solo played by Harrison Pork.
  • Pigs don’t spit. They hock loogies.

Funny New Pig Dad Jokes

Dad jokes more twisted than a pig’s tail.

  • What do hogs do with cucumbers? They make piggles.
  • What wood do pigs use to build their furniture? Ma-hog-any.
  • What did the pig dress up as for Halloween? Franken-swine’s monster.
  • Where did the baseball coach put the pig? Snout-field.
  • She was gilt-y as charged. Not gilt-y.
  • What do you call a Miss Piggy look-alike? An im-porcine-ator.
  • What do you call an extroverted pig? Snout-going.
  • Why do boars laugh when you touch their belly? They’re pigglish.
  • What do you call a pig that steals money? A swine-dler.
  • What do hog ska bands say? Pig it up, pig it up, pig it up.
  • What’s a pig’s favorite musical? Ham-ilton.
  • Why did the man take his pig to the pawn shop? To put it in hock.
I had an oink-ling about these pig puns and jokes.

Funny Pig Dad Jokes

Try to pig just one favorite.

  • What happened after the pig pen was destroyed? They had to use the pig pencil.
  • What’s the one way you should never greet a male pig? “Sow, what’s up?”
  • How do pigs tell you they don’t like you? I a-boar you.
  • Why are pig stories so interesting to read? The tale always has a twist.
  • Who’s the world’s smartest pig? Albert Ein-swine.
  • How do pigs get to the hospital? In a ham-bulance.
  • What do pigs call February 14th? Valen-swine’s Day.
  • What do you get when you cross dinosaur DNA with a pig? Jurrasic Pork.
  • How do pigs send secret messages? They use invisible oink.
  • What do you get when you cross Superman with a pig? The Man of Squeal.
  • What do you call a pig that does karate? Pork chop.
  • What do you call a pig in Spanish? Porque?
  • Why did the pig go to the casino? To play the slop machines.
  • What international sporting event do hogs compete in? The Olympigs.
  • Why didn’t the piglet like school? Too much ham-work.

Even More Funny Dad Jokes

No need to use a pen name to tell these pig funnies.

  • How did the pigs stay in touch? They were pen pals.
  • What do you get when you pick a pigs nose? Ham boogers.
  • What brand of ice cream to pigs like? Hoggin Dazs.
  • What do you call pig tug-of-war? Pulled pork.
  • Why couldn’t the pig remember its identity? Ham-nesia.
  • Where do rich pigs work? In a sty-scraper.
  • What did everyone like about the pig? Its porcine-ality.
  • What do you call a pig with three eyes? A piiig.
  • Who’s the most famous hog painter of all time? Pablo Pig-casso.
  • Where do pigs put their money? In a piggy bank.
  • What would you say if I told you that I saw a pig taking a bath the other day? Hogwash.
  • What game show do pigs watch? Squeal of Fortune.
  • Why couldn’t the pig finish the race? Pulled ham-string.
  • What do you get when you cross a pig with Sasquatch? Pig-foot.


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